Excellence in Teaching Day 2025

Excellence in Teaching Day is a full-day event that brings faculty from across BC together with nationally-recognized scholars to discuss timely questions about teaching and learning. This year Excellence in Teaching Day will be held on Monday, May 5 from 9:00-3:00 in 245 Beacon and will focus on the theme of "Teaching for Democracy."

Keynote Speaker: Danielle Allen

Danielle Allen

We are delighted to host Professor Danielle Allen as this year’s Excellence in Teaching Day keynote speaker. A professor of political philosophy, ethics, and public policy, Dr. Allen is James Bryant Conant University Professor at Harvard University. She is also Director of the Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation at the Harvard Kennedy School and Director of the Democratic Knowledge Project, a research lab focused on civic education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

In her talk, “Educating for American Democracy,” Allen will take up the question of higher education's responsibility to prepare the next generation of civic leaders: with values of pluralism, civil disagreement, and reflective patriotism at the center of the work.

ETD Schedule

9:00      Light Breakfast (245 Beacon, 1st floor)
9:30      Keynote Lecture (245 Beacon, 107 Auditorium)
11:00    Student Panel (245 Beacon, 107 Auditorium)
12:30    Lunch (Lyons Dinning Hall)
1:45      Breakout Sessions (245 Beacon, 1st and 2nd Floors)

Past Programs